Terms and Conditions of Use

These terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) apply to the use of Our Site, “Multiagent Chat”, by you.

Our Website is maintained by the legal entity B2OCEANS S.A. (“B2OCEANS”), duly registered with RUC under no. 155733998-2-2023, e-mail: info@multiagentchat.com, with headquarters at Panama – City of Panama.

These Terms apply to everyone who uses Our Site. Compliance with the rules set out here is mandatory.

Those who do not understand or who do not accept the rules set out in these Terms must stop using Our Site immediately.

1. Definitions

“We”, “Our” or “Ours” refers to B2OCEANS S.A. (“B2OCEANS”), the legal entity that maintains and is responsible for the Website.

“Multiagent Chat” is the website that can be accessed from the address “https://www.multiagentchat.com”, including all its pages and resources.

“Parties” refers to both the User and Us, without distinction.

“Services” refers to the following services provided directly by Us through Our Site:

WhatsApp Mass Messaging and Multiservice Messaging Service.

“Our Content” refers to any and all information or data published or made available directly by Us on the Site, including, among others, texts, images, videos and audios.

“Third Party Content” refers to any and all information or data published or made available on the Site by third parties, Users or not, including, among others, texts, images, videos, audios and links.

“User” is the person who browses or otherwise uses Our Site.

2. Age restrictions

The Site should only be used by people over 18 years of age.

3. Age restrictions for registration

Only people over 18 years of age may register on Our Site.

4. Maintenance, amendment and deletion of registration

Each User may maintain only one account on the Site. Duplicate accounts, when identified, will be automatically deactivated by Us, without prejudice to other applicable penalties.

For registration to be completed, the User must fully provide the required data. All information provided by the User must be accurate, truthful and up-to-date. In any case, the User may be held liable, in civil and criminal law, for the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the data provided.

The User must provide a valid email address, through which all contacts will be made. All communications sent to the aforementioned address will be considered read by the user, who thus undertakes to regularly consult the messages received and to respond to them, if necessary, within a reasonable period of time.

After confirming your registration, the user will have a personal login and password, which they must use to access their account on the Website. This data must not be communicated by the User to third parties, and the use made of them is their sole responsibility. You must notify Us immediately if you suspect the occurrence of any suspicious or unexpected activity on your account.

It will not be permitted to assign, sell, rent or transfer, in any way, a User account, which is personal and non-transferable.

Whenever your registration data is out of date, the User must correct it using the tools we provide to do this.

The User who fails to comply with any of the rules contained in this instrument will have their account suspended and will be notified to justify themselves. If you do not provide a justification within the designated period or if the justification is not accepted, your registration will be deleted and you will not be able to register again on the Site.

The user may, at any time and without the need for justification, request the cancellation of their registration with the Site. Your unsubscription will be carried out as quickly as possible, as long as there are no outstanding debts.

Whether in the case of a request for cancellation of registration, or in the case of deletion due to non-compliance with the rules set out herein, the User’s personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and it is possible that all or some data will be maintained even after deletion account, regardless of the consent of the holder of personal data.

5. Navigation

We undertake to use all technical solutions at our disposal so that the Site can be accessed 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, every day. However, We may, at any time, interrupt, limit or suspend access to the Site or some of its pages or resources, in order to carry out updates, modifications, corrections or any other action that we deem necessary to ensure its proper functioning.

6. Website management

For good management, We may, at any time:

a) suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Website to a specific category or to all Users;

b) remove any information that may disrupt the functioning of the Site or that is in conflict with Brazilian law or international law;

c) suspend the Website in order to make updates and modifications.

7. Our responsibilities

Although We do everything within Our power to keep Our Site in full and correct operation, We will be responsible for any defects or defects found in the computer program that makes up Our Site and which have been caused by Us, provided that damage has been proven. .

Defects or problems arising within or as a result of the systems or equipment used by the User to access and use Our Website will not be Our responsibility.

We are also responsible, within the limits and under the terms of the law, for Our Content. We do not, however, assume any responsibility for Third Party Content.

We are not responsible for the use that Users make of Our Site, and they are responsible personally and exclusively for their own actions.

We will not be responsible for any damages resulting from acts of God, force majeure or those resulting from the actions of third parties.

We are responsible for Our Services sold within the scope of the Website and undertake to provide them in accordance with the conditions established during contracting. We are not responsible, however, in situations beyond our control, such as situations in which the contracting User provides us with false or incorrect information or in which there is an unforeseeable event or force majeure that harms or prevents us from fulfilling our commitments in a timely manner.

8. Use of the site

The User must use the Website’s functionalities for purposes that do not contradict the law, morals or good customs. In particular, you must limit yourself to using them in accordance with the objectives for which they were created.

The User may not use crawlers, robots or any automated computer programs, algorithms, equipment or methodologies to access, copy, read, monitor, navigate, fill out forms or publish content on the Website.

The User may not use any automated or manual means or tools to access any content or information that has not been intentionally made available to them by Us, including the information contained in sections of Our Site and that which is stored or circulated within the infrastructure of Information Technology used by Us, which includes equipment, networks and servers.

The User may not violate or test the vulnerabilities of the Website’s security mechanisms or the Information Technology infrastructure used by Us.

The User may not use any of the content or information available on Our Site for the purpose of identifying other Users or other people, unless the content or information is lawfully disclosed for this purpose.

The User may not overload the Information Technology infrastructure that maintains the Site with an excessive or unreasonable number of requests.

The User may not hide their identity or the origin of their connection, nor may they impersonate another person. In this sense, in addition to other possible conduct, the User may not use any tools or mechanisms to manipulate or mask the origin of any message sent to Us or Our Information Technology infrastructure through Our Website or any of its features. .

The registered User will be responsible for the use made of their user accounts, and must ensure that their access credentials (login and password) are not shared with third parties.

The User is responsible for ensuring the security of the electronic equipment and systems they use to access the Website.

The User will be responsible for any content or information that they eventually publish on Our Site.

The inclusion of pages that disseminate any type of illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory or offensive information will not be authorized.

9. External links

Our Website may contain external links that redirect the User to other internet pages over which We do not exercise control.

Despite the prior and regular checks we carry out, We disclaim any responsibility for the content found on the pages and applications that can be accessed through these links.

10. Intellectual property rights to computer programs and our content

The computer programs that make up the Site and Our Content available on the Site are Our property, unless we expressly mention otherwise.

Our computer programs and Our Content that are protected by copyright may not be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, represented, adapted or in any way altered, by any means and for any purpose, without Our prior, express and in writing. In the event of violations of Our intellectual property rights, We reserve the right to take all applicable judicial and extrajudicial measures.

Access to the Website does not generate for the User any intellectual property rights relating to elements of the Website.

11. Services

Through the Site, We provide the Customer with a catalog or an online store accurately presenting the Services sold. The Services are described and presented with the greatest possible degree of precision, accompanied by correct, clear, precise, clear and clear information in Portuguese about their characteristics, among other data, as well as any risks they pose to the health and safety of the User. who acquire them.

The prices and fees relating to the sale of Services are specified in the catalog or in the online store.

Before finalizing the purchase of a particular Service, the User must find out about its specifications and its destination. In the case of a Service acquired within the scope of offers, the User must also observe its application conditions.

Offers will be made available on the Site at Our convenience.

12. Prices of services

The seller reserves the right to modify the prices of the Services at any time by publishing them on the Website.

The rates in force at the time of the order will be applied, subject to availability of Services on that date.

Prices will be indicated in reais and will not include delivery fees, which will be specified separately and will be informed before placing the order.

The total amount of the order, including all fees, will be indicated before the final validation of the order.

13. Payment

Payment for the order must be made in cash or in installments, through the following means:

Credit Card.

14. Provision of services

The Services will be provided by Us in accordance with the specifications, conditions and other information available on Our Website.

15. Personal data protection

We process Users’ personal data in accordance with GDPR and other related regulations that are applicable to Us. More information on this subject can be found in our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed via the link: https://www.multiagentchat.com/politica-de-privacidade.

In said Policy, we identify the personal data that we process and provide information on how, for what reason and on what legal basis we do so, as well as on the way in which Users can exercise their rights related to the protection of their personal data and on how You can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer.

Requests for alteration, rectification or deletion of personal data must be directed to Us in accordance with the provisions of that Policy.

16. User customer service

If you have any questions, suggestions or problems using the Site, you may contact Our customer service directly via email: info@multiagentchat.com or telephone: (507) 6655-3180. These User support services will be available on the following days and times:

Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

17. Sanctions

Without prejudice to other applicable legal measures, We may, at any time, warn, suspend or cancel the User’s account:

a) that fails to comply with any of the provisions contained in this instrument;

b) who fails to comply with their User duties;

c) who commits fraudulent, illegal or immoral acts;

d) whose behavior constitutes or may result in offense or damage to third parties or to the Website itself.

18. Changes

This version of the general terms and conditions of use was last updated on: 03/13/2024.

We reserve the right to modify, at any time and without any prior notice, the website and services, as well as these rules, especially to adapt them to developments on the Website, whether by making new features available, or by deleting or modification of those that already exist.

Therefore, we invite the User to periodically consult this page to check for updates.

19. Conclusion

Multiagent Chat will make the services available until the period of the contracted plan unless prevented by technological means such as updates to WhatsApp that make the service unfeasible.
